#environmentalmonitoring medias

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Anyone ever seen these around site before? This is part of environmental monitoring, it measures dust levels in the air. This is mainly used during excavation/demolition but also during construction, alongside noise, wind, piezometer and vibration monitoring. 🏗️.

Anyone ever seen these around site before? This is part of environmental monitoring, it measures dust levels in the air. This is mainly used during excavation/demolition but also during construction, alongside noise, wind, piezometer and vibration monitoring. 🏗️ ...

Kelsey Huffman calls herself

Kelsey Huffman calls herself "a professional sniffer." • She's a waste specialist in Sudbury, Ont., tasked with detecting or "sniffing" out foul scents at a municipal landfill. • Huffman makes weekly rounds of the site, as well as neighbourhoods in the vicinity, to make sure landfill operations aren't posing a problem. • "Sometimes you can get a little bit of smell from the leaf and yard, but normally it's kind of woody, and it actually smells quite good," Huffman said. "That's not where any issues usually come from." • Most of the issues come from the disposal area, Huffman said, where most of the waste is collected, and from the area where compost collected from green bins is kept. • Huffman, who completed a post-secondary program in environmental monitoring, said that the city has authority to stop any operation that is causing smells to waft into the neighbourhood, but she said the air is usually "pretty good." • "It doesn't normally get too smelly," Huffman said. "Sometimes when you're standing right beside a fresh compost pile that's been baking in the sun, it will smell naturally. It should smell, it is waste." • "We're pretty close to the landfill and it's just a regular neighbourhood. There's no smells that are out of the ordinary," she said. • "If anything, you can smell the trees and the flowers." • • • For this story and more head to the link in our bio. • Photo and reporting by: Casey Stranges/@cbcsudbury | #wastemanagement #sniffer #oddjobs #Sudbury #Ontario #landfill #environment #environmentalmonitoring ...

Today, Scripps Oceanography and the City of Imperial Beach announced a collaborative flood alert system for this Southern California beach town. Imperial Beach is a low-lying community, surrounded by water on three sides — the Pacific Ocean to the west, Tijuana Estuary to the south, and San Diego Bay to the north — which makes it particularly vulnerable to flooding. This system will entail a network of instruments to measure local wave and water level conditions, which will be installed by Scripps researchers with the Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. Here, scientists install pressure sensors in the sand north of the Imperial Beach pier to test wave run-up predictions in flood-prone areas. Data from these instruments will help the city monitor sea level rise and develop adaptation strategies.
#scrippsoceanography #scrippsocean #UCSD #UCSanDiego #scrippsgram #climatechange #sealevelrise #ImperialBeach #flooding #environmentalmonitoring #floodforecasts #climateimpacts #climateadaptation #southerncalifornia.

Today, Scripps Oceanography and the City of Imperial Beach announced a collaborative flood alert system for this Southern California beach town. Imperial Beach is a low-lying community, surrounded by water on three sides — the Pacific Ocean to the west, Tijuana Estuary to the south, and San Diego Bay to the north — which makes it particularly vulnerable to flooding. This system will entail a network of instruments to measure local wave and water level conditions, which will be installed by Scripps researchers with the Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. Here, scientists install pressure sensors in the sand north of the Imperial Beach pier to test wave run-up predictions in flood-prone areas. Data from these instruments will help the city monitor sea level rise and develop adaptation strategies. . . . . #scrippsoceanography #scrippsocean #UCSD #UCSanDiego #scrippsgram #climatechange #sealevelrise #ImperialBeach #flooding #environmentalmonitoring #floodforecasts #climateimpacts #climateadaptation #southerncalifornia ...

When the Site Assessment and Environmental Monitoring is On Point. 😎👌 >>>Environmental monitoring helps understand the natural environment and protect it from any negative outcomes of human activity. >>>3 Reasons Environmental Monitoring is Essential in Your Development Project.
1. It Gives you a Benchmark.
2. It Helps you Identify Issues Early.
3. It Tells you if Project Objectives are Successful.
#projectscientist #siteassessment #environmentalmonitoring #geoscientist #geologist #earthscientist #qaqc #environmentalgeologist #rockdoctor #boothlife #capped #instadaily #photooftheday #bearded #philomath.

When the Site Assessment and Environmental Monitoring is On Point. 😎👌 >>>Environmental monitoring helps understand the natural environment and protect it from any negative outcomes of human activity. >>>3 Reasons Environmental Monitoring is Essential in Your Development Project. 1. It Gives you a Benchmark. 2. It Helps you Identify Issues Early. 3. It Tells you if Project Objectives are Successful. #projectscientist #siteassessment #environmentalmonitoring #geoscientist #geologist #earthscientist #qaqc #environmentalgeologist #rockdoctor #boothlife #capped #instadaily #photooftheday #bearded #philomath ...

Cutting age. algorithms are power to explore the world and gain insights in any filed  of study.
#remotesensing imagery (#RSI)aims to provide information in various field of study without having physical contact to that particular case of study ( e.g any Object on the #earth).
This post depicts the overlapping between remote sensing and #machinelearning #signalprocessing #computervision #imageprocesing 
In fact a #geospatialdata #datascientist who is expert in #raster data processing must have #knowledge of these areas mentioned in the picture. #deeplearning #geospatial #satelliteimagery #precisionagriculture #esri #environmentalmonitoring #changedetectionanalysis #forestmanagement #landuseplanning #ma_datascientist #hyperspectral.

Cutting age. algorithms are power to explore the world and gain insights in any filed of study. #remotesensing imagery (#RSI )aims to provide information in various field of study without having physical contact to that particular case of study ( e.g any Object on the #earth ). This post depicts the overlapping between remote sensing and #machinelearning #signalprocessing #computervision #imageprocesing In fact a #geospatialdata #datascientist who is expert in #raster data processing must have #knowledge of these areas mentioned in the picture. #deeplearning #geospatial #satelliteimagery #precisionagriculture #esri #environmentalmonitoring #changedetectionanalysis #forestmanagement #landuseplanning #ma_datascientist #hyperspectral ...

Xpedit is a handy, ATmega328-based device that allows hikers and trekkers to monitor temperature, humidity, air pressure, and altitude, as well as set an alarm for when any of the parameters go beyond a user-defined threshold value.
📷 instructables.com/member/DIYmechanics
#microchip #atmega328 #hardware #opensource #makers #monitoring #environmentmonitor #environmentalmonitoring #hiking #trekking.

Xpedit is a handy, ATmega328-based device that allows hikers and trekkers to monitor temperature, humidity, air pressure, and altitude, as well as set an alarm for when any of the parameters go beyond a user-defined threshold value. - 📷 instructables.com/member/DIYmechanics - #microchip #atmega328 #hardware #opensource #makers #monitoring #environmentmonitor #environmentalmonitoring #hiking #trekking ...

24 января празднует 70-летний юбилей со дня основания гидрометеорологическая станция с. Чугуевка ФГБУ «Приморское управление по гидрометеорологии и мониторингу окружающей среды». На праздник прибыл высокий гость Кубай Борис Викторович – начальник Приморского управления по гидрометеорологии и мониторингу окружающей среды. Перед собравшимися выступила вокальная группа «Вокалина» с зажигательной песней «Самовары». Гости были тронуты таким радушным приемом до слез. 
Глава Чугуевского муниципального района Роман Юрьевич Деменёв поблагодарил коллектив станции за многолетний добросовестный труд, высокий профессионализм, пожелав всем, чтобы климат в домах был благоприятным, а все катаклизмы обходили бы нас стороной.
#гидрометеорологическаястанция #мониторингокружающейсреды #праздник #Кубай #начальник #окружающаясреда #вокальнаягруппа #Вокалина #многолетнийдобросовестныйтруд #высокийпрофессионализм #климат #катаклизмы
#Чугуевка #Чугуевскийрайон #Чугуевскаяадминистрация #главарайона #Деменёв.

24 января празднует 70-летний юбилей со дня основания гидрометеорологическая станция с. Чугуевка ФГБУ «Приморское управление по гидрометеорологии и мониторингу окружающей среды». На праздник прибыл высокий гость Кубай Борис Викторович – начальник Приморского управления по гидрометеорологии и мониторингу окружающей среды. Перед собравшимися выступила вокальная группа «Вокалина» с зажигательной песней «Самовары». Гости были тронуты таким радушным приемом до слез.  Глава Чугуевского муниципального района Роман Юрьевич Деменёв поблагодарил коллектив станции за многолетний добросовестный труд, высокий профессионализм, пожелав всем, чтобы климат в домах был благоприятным, а все катаклизмы обходили бы нас стороной. - - - #поздравление_chuguevskayadmin  #гидрометеорологическаястанция #мониторингокружающейсреды #праздник #Кубай #начальник #окружающаясреда #вокальнаягруппа #Вокалина #многолетнийдобросовестныйтруд #высокийпрофессионализм #климат #катаклизмы #Чугуевка #Чугуевскийрайон #Чугуевскаяадминистрация #главарайона #Деменёв ...

Our department is quite industrious on this Friday. Here’s a sampling of the very exciting things happening: 
Relining and reattaching a sad spine; photo documentation for outgoing loans; housing a pile of concert program; PEM2 surgery; mending a hinge with cool geometric endpapers; and putting some small posters in L-sleeves. BAM. 
#allthethings #librarypreservation #libraryconservation #bookrepair #bookconservation #environmentalmonitoring #exhibits #sunra #preventiveconservation.

Our department is quite industrious on this Friday. Here’s a sampling of the very exciting things happening: Relining and reattaching a sad spine; photo documentation for outgoing loans; housing a pile of concert program; PEM2 surgery; mending a hinge with cool geometric endpapers; and putting some small posters in L-sleeves. BAM. _________ #allthethings #librarypreservation #libraryconservation #bookrepair #bookconservation #environmentalmonitoring #exhibits #sunra #preventiveconservation ...

This image was captured by Sentinel-2A on 5 August 2015 from over 780 km above Earth. It clearly picks out features such as Rotterdam harbour, patchworks of fields throughout the country, Amsterdam and Schiphol airport. The image also shows how the Enkhuizen–Lelystad dike separates the different concentrations of sediment and algae in the Markermeer and the IJsselmeer. 
As part of Europe’s Copernicus environmental monitoring programme, Sentinel-2A carries an innovative wide swath high-resolution multispectral imager with 13 spectral bands for a new perspective of our land and vegetation. The combination of high resolution, novel spectral capabilities, a swath width of 290 km and frequent revisit times will provide unprecedented views of Earth. Its images will be used for numerous applications, including monitoring plant growth, mapping changes in land cover, monitoring forests and for detecting pollution in lakes and coastal waters. Sentinel-2A was launched on 23 June 2015. 
#Copernicus #Sentinel #Sentinel2 #ColourVision #SatelliteImage #EarthObservation #Netherlands #Nederland #Holland #Rotterdam #harbour #Amsterdam #SchipholAirport #EnkhuizenLelystad #dike #sediment #algae #Markermeer #Ijsselmeer #EnvironmentalMonitoring #environment #land #vegetation #PlantGrowth #LandCover #forests #pollution #lakes #CoastalWaters 
Copyright: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2017), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO.

This image was captured by Sentinel-2A on 5 August 2015 from over 780 km above Earth. It clearly picks out features such as Rotterdam harbour, patchworks of fields throughout the country, Amsterdam and Schiphol airport. The image also shows how the Enkhuizen–Lelystad dike separates the different concentrations of sediment and algae in the Markermeer and the IJsselmeer.  As part of Europe’s Copernicus environmental monitoring programme, Sentinel-2A carries an innovative wide swath high-resolution multispectral imager with 13 spectral bands for a new perspective of our land and vegetation. The combination of high resolution, novel spectral capabilities, a swath width of 290 km and frequent revisit times will provide unprecedented views of Earth. Its images will be used for numerous applications, including monitoring plant growth, mapping changes in land cover, monitoring forests and for detecting pollution in lakes and coastal waters. Sentinel-2A was launched on 23 June 2015. #Copernicus #Sentinel #Sentinel2 #ColourVision #SatelliteImage #EarthObservation #Netherlands #Nederland #Holland #Rotterdam #harbour #Amsterdam #SchipholAirport #EnkhuizenLelystad #dike #sediment #algae #Markermeer #Ijsselmeer #EnvironmentalMonitoring #environment #land #vegetation #PlantGrowth #LandCover #forests #pollution #lakes #CoastalWaters Copyright: contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2017), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO ...


Most Recent

Wagtech Projects are currently exhibiting at the World Meteorological Organisations Leadership and Management of Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Africa conference. We are proud to be able to offer a range of Environmental monitoring  equipment as well as installation, training and ongoing service. All  of this is possible due to our local offices spread throughout Africa.
#localoffices #environmentalmonitoring #watertesting #weatherstations #flood #riskmanagement #climatechange #globalwarming #wagtechprojects #wagtech #wagtechafrica.

Wagtech Projects are currently exhibiting at the World Meteorological Organisations Leadership and Management of Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Africa conference. We are proud to be able to offer a range of Environmental monitoring equipment as well as installation, training and ongoing service. All of this is possible due to our local offices spread throughout Africa. #localoffices #environmentalmonitoring #watertesting #weatherstations #flood #riskmanagement #climatechange #globalwarming #wagtechprojects #wagtech #wagtechafrica ...

Complicated project?  We love working in multi-disciplinary teams to help find cost-effective solutions while protecting the natural environment! 
Add Corvidae to your team today! #solutionoriented .

Complicated project? We love working in multi-disciplinary teams to help find cost-effective solutions while protecting the natural environment! Add Corvidae to your team today! #solutionoriented . #corvidaeenvironmental #environmentalconsultant #restoration #environmentalmonitoring #environment #biologist #fieldwork #fieldbiology #environmentalscience #biology #sookebc #victoriabc #vancouverisland #britishcolumbia #optoutdoors #beautifulbc #workoutside #environmentalconsulting ...

Inside our air monitoring stations, shelves full of analyzers draw in air from the outside, collect data, and send it straight to our website in real time.
#WBEA #RMWB #YMM #environmentalscience #environmentalmonitoring #wbeafieldwork #fieldwork #scienceandtechnology.

Inside our air monitoring stations, shelves full of analyzers draw in air from the outside, collect data, and send it straight to our website in real time. #WBEA #RMWB #YMM #environmentalscience #environmentalmonitoring #wbeafieldwork #fieldwork #scienceandtechnology ...